We like to have a thorough understanding of your oral and medical health history. Your oral health and overall health is directly connected, so it is important we have an understanding of both before we recommend a treatment plan for you. Therefore, all our patients are given a thorough exam each year.
We take diagnostic photos and x-rays as necessary to enable us to see in the areas not visible to the naked eye. We then perform the dental exam. The exam will include an intraoral/extraoral screening (checking glands, lymph nodes, and for abnormal tissues both visually and with a Velscope), periodontal screening (checking gum tissues), primary neuromuscular screening (TMJ), and airway screening (enlarged tonsils, sleep apnea) as well as your teeth (decay, broken enamel or fillings, wear).
Once the exam is done, you will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment options with your dentist as well as with our treatment co-ordinator. Our treatment coordinator will discuss your treatment options in detail, costs, insurance and answer any other questions you may have.
We strive to ensure your exam is complete.